Functions of OS and CLI ( Command Line Interface )

Functions of Operating Systems

An operating system (OS) is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources and provides common services for computer programs. The operating system is the most important type of system software in a computer system.

There are many functions of an operating system, including:

  1. Resource management: The OS manages the hardware resources of the computer, such as memory, processors, and input/output devices.

  2. Memory management: The OS manages the allocation and deallocation of memory to programs and processes.

  3. Process management: The OS manages the execution of programs and processes, including the allocation of CPU time and the creation and termination of processes.

  4. File management: The OS manages the organization, storage, and retrieval of files on the computer's storage devices.

  5. Security: The OS provides security features to protect the computer and its data from unauthorized access and viruses.

  6. Networking: The OS enables the computer to connect to and communicate with other computers and devices on a network.

  7. Device management: The OS manages the operation of hardware devices, such as printers and disk drives.

  8. User interface: The OS provides a user interface, such as a graphical user interface (GUI), that allows users to interact with the computer.

  9. Error handling: The OS handles errors that occur during the operation of the computer and its programs.

Features of Operating System

Operating systems typically have a variety of features to manage the hardware and software resources of a computer, as well as provide a user interface and support for running applications.

Some common features of operating systems include:

  1. Memory management: The OS manages the allocation and deallocation of memory to programs and processes to ensure that the computer's memory is used efficiently.

  2. Process management: The OS manages the execution of programs and processes, including the allocation of CPU time and the creation and termination of processes.

  3. File management: The OS manages the organization, storage, and retrieval of files on the computer's storage devices.

  4. Security: The OS provides security features to protect the computer and its data from unauthorized access and viruses.

  5. Networking: The OS enables the computer to connect to and communicate with other computers and devices on a network.

  6. Device management: The OS manages the operation of hardware devices, such as printers and disk drives.

  7. User interface: The OS provides a user interface, such as a graphical user interface (GUI), that allows users to interact with the computer.

  8. Error handling: The OS handles errors that occur during the operation of the computer and its programs.

  9. Power management: The OS manages the power usage of the computer and its hardware to conserve energy and extend battery life.

  10. Virtualization: Some operating systems support virtualization, which allows multiple virtual machines to run on a single physical machine.

Pros and Cons of Operating System

There are many pros and cons to different operating systems. Here are some general pros and cons of operating systems:


  • They allow users to interact with the computer and run programs.
  • They manage the hardware resources of the computer, making it easier for users to use the hardware.
  • They provide security features to protect the computer and its data.
  • They enable networking and communication with other devices.


  • They can be complex and require a learning curve for new users.
  • They can be prone to bugs and security vulnerabilities.
  • They can be resource-intensive, which can slow down the computer.
  • They may not be compatible with certain hardware or software. 

Command Line Interface  (CLI)

A command-line interface (CLI) is a way of interacting with a computer by giving it commands through a text input line, or a "command line". It is an alternative to a graphical user interface (GUI), which uses visual icons and menus to interact with the computer.

In a CLI, the user types commands into a terminal window and the operating system executes the commands. The user can enter commands to perform various tasks, such as launching programs, deleting files, and moving or copying data.

One advantage of a CLI is that it is usually faster and more efficient to use than a GUI, because the user does not have to navigate through menus and click on icons to perform tasks. It is also easier to automate tasks using a CLI, because the user can enter commands in a script file and execute the script to perform a series of tasks automatically.

However, a CLI can be more difficult to use for inexperienced users, because it requires a certain level of knowledge about the available commands and their syntax. It can also be less user-friendly than a GUI, because it does not provide visual feedback or prompts and requires the user to remember and enter the correct commands.

Disk Operating System ( DOS )

DOS (Disk Operating System) was an operating system that was widely used in the 1980s and early 1990s. It was developed by Microsoft and was the predecessor to the modern Windows operating system.

DOS was a command-line based operating system, which means that it used a text-based interface and required users to enter commands to perform tasks. It did not have a graphical user interface (GUI) like modern operating systems.

The different versions of DOS shared many common features, as they were all based on the original DOS developed by Microsoft.

Some of the main features of DOS included:

  1. File management: DOS provided commands for creating, deleting, and managing files and directories on the computer's storage devices.

  2. Memory management: DOS provided commands for managing the allocation and de-allocation of memory to programs and processes.

  3. Program execution: DOS allowed users to run programs by entering the name of the program's executable file.

  4. Networking: DOS provided support for networking and communication with other computers and devices on a network.

  5. Device management: DOS provided commands for controlling hardware devices, such as printers and disk drives.

In addition to these basic features, different versions of DOS often included additional utilities and commands to perform specific tasks or support additional hardware. For example, some versions of DOS included commands for managing disk partitions, backing up and restoring data, and configuring the system settings.

Different version of DOS

There were several versions of DOS that were released over the years. Here are some of the most significant versions:

  1. MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System): This was the original version of DOS and was developed by Microsoft in the 1980s. It was widely used on personal computers and was the basis for many other versions of DOS.

  2. PC-DOS (Personal Computer Disk Operating System): This was a version of DOS that was developed by IBM and was used on IBM-compatible personal computers.

  3. DR-DOS (Digital Research Disk Operating System): This was a version of DOS that was developed by Digital Research and was used on a variety of personal computers.

  4. FreeDOS: This is a free and open-source version of DOS that was developed as a replacement for the proprietary versions of DOS.

  5. OpenDOS: This was a version of DOS that was developed by Caldera and was based on the source code of MS-DOS.

  6. Windows 95: This was a version of the Windows operating system that included a version of DOS as a compatibility layer.

  7. Windows 98: This was another version of the Windows operating system that included a version of DOS as a compatibility layer.

  8. Windows ME: This was the last version of the Windows operating system to include a version of DOS.


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